Who's Been Courting You on Common Core? (Part 4 of 5)

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 25, 2013

Here is the 4th in a series of profiles on opponents to Common Core State Standards. (View the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.)

Glenn Beck, Radio and Television Commentator

Who’s been courting you?

  • Glenn Beck, Radio and Television Commentator

What does he think about Common Core?

  • “This is a hostile takeover, the final takeover, and the roots come from the stimulus package…Our children are the guinea pigs for the world. We will lead the way. And do you remember when I said we wouldn’t be destroyed; we would be perverted? Profound darkness on this.”
  • “[Using Common Core, companies] will find the best workers by the time they’re 7 and then they will enrich and empower and educate those kids. But if your kid, God forbid, ends up like me when I was 7 or 8, I don’t have a chance. I will be a cog in the machine forever, and you will ‑‑ there will be no escape.” (See here.)

What else does Glenn Beck think?

  • Glenn Beck proposed three names for new NCAA teams: “the Los Angeles Limp-Wrists,” “the New Jersey Jumpin’ Jews,” and “the Atlanta Murdering Rampage of Savage Rapin’ Injuns.” (See here.)
  • In November 2012, Beck attempted to auction-off an Obama figurine described as being immersed in urine (which was actually beer) on eBay. Bidding reached $11,000 until eBay canceled the sale.
  • “I believe that I can make a case in the end that there are three powers that you will see really emerge. One, a Muslim caliphate that controls the Mideast and parts of Europe. Two, China, that will control Asia, the southern half of Africa, part of the Middle East, Australia, maybe New Zealand, and God only knows what else. And Russia, which will control all of the old former Soviet Union bloc, plus maybe the Netherlands. I’m not really sure. But their strong arm is coming. That leaves us and South America. What happens to us?” (See here.)
  • Soros and Obama are part of an “Invisible Committee.” “It is written by the Invisible Committee that calls for violent revolution; an anonymous group from France — of all places — called the Invisible Committee penned it. They want to bring down capitalism and the western way of life. This started in France and started to spread to countries like Greece [Note: Beck does not clarify whether France and Greece are among those European countries headed for Muslim control; see above] and Iceland, where people are out of work, out of money and out of patience. Now, it’s about to come here to America.” (See here.)

Click here to read the introduction letter by Larry Grau.