Free Al Wolting!!!

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

November 12, 2007

I’m sorry for continuing to play the role of the chief apologist for teachers union leaders who get quoted saying idiotic things, but somebody’s got to do it.

Last week, I was sticking up for Washington Teachers Union vice president Nathan Saunders for supposedly saying that “money should be used to serve children, not fire administrators.” I noted how the news report paraphrased his remarks and that anyone with a brain would understand that no one could possibly say something so stupid.

This week we’re bailing out Indianapolis Education Association President Al Wolting, who is all over the blogosphere for his remarks to WISH TV 8 in Indianapolis indicating that his union played a role in unseating Mayor Bart Peterson because of the mayor’s strong support for public charter schools.

Lots of bloggers have been all over this. But give Wolting a break. He was clearly talking out of his ass school.