DFER News Roundup

Stressful week? Let it go and enjoy the DFER News Roundup!
By Devin Boyle, Director of Communications, and Stephanie Doctrow, Communications Coordinator and Web Editor
- Two reform-minded candidates in Texas accomplished great things in their elections this week. Ramon Romero Jr. beat nine-term incumbent state Rep. Lon Burnam to become Tarrant County’s new state representative. Erika Beltran, DFER’s February Reformer of the Month, had a strong showing with 47% of the vote and is now heading into a tough runoff election for the District 13 seat on the Texas State Board of Education.
DFER Seen & Heard:
- DFER Policy Director Charles Barone commented on President Obama’s FY 2015 education budget in the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, and POLITICO’s Morning Education.
- The battleground dynamic in some states undermines the Common Core State Standards’ original intent, Barone wrote for U.S. News & World Report.
- Gov. Cuomo’s plan to fund pre-K expansion is flexible, treats all students equitably and can actually pass in Albany, Joe Williams wrote in the New York Daily News.
- “Seize the opportunity for Milwaukee Public Schools,” editorialized DFER-WI’s Jarett Fields in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Advocacy, Policy Briefs & Such:
- Statement | Democrats for Education Reform releases statement on FY 2015 education budget.
- Joe Williams responds to AQE press release.
DFER Blog:
- Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino’s Common Core plan would bring more tests and less standards to New York, writes DFER-NY board chair Craig Johnson.
- “Get ready for Caucus Night!” writes DFER-CO’s Jen Walmer.
In Related News:
- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s speech this week at the charter schools rally in Albany is worth watching.
- “The politicians and union officials who are attacking charters are profoundly disingenuous,” New York Daily News columnist Errol Louis writes.
- EdWeek’s Ed Robelen reports on the College Board’s announcement of a significant SAT redesign.
- “Mayor de Blasio upsets parents by calling rally for three axed charter schools a ‘sideshow,’” reports the New York Daily News.
- In addition to Policy Director Charles Barone’s op-ed, many thought leaders on the Common Core debate including Delaware Gov. Jack Markell and StudentsFirst’s Michelle Rhee contributed pieces to U.S. News & World Report’s “Debate Club.”
- “Major charter school chain to lose space under new de Blasio plan,” reports the Huffington Post’s Joy Resmovits.
- President Obama announced the creation of a new task force and public-private partnership to improve opportunities for young men of color this week. (Washington Post)
- “New NCLB waiver reports show more issues with struggling schools, new tests,” reports EdWeek’s Michele McNeil.
Fun With Infographics & More:
- Infographic | Administration prioritizes education with FY 2015 budget.
- Happy Friday from DFER!
- Infographic | Teachers find evaluations most helpful when they include actionable feedback.