Who's Been Courting You on Common Core? (Part 5 of 5)

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 26, 2013

Michelle Malkin, National Conservative Commentator 

Who’s courting you?

  • Michelle Malkin, National Conservative Commentator

What does she think about Common Core?

  • “The bipartisan Fed Ed standards movement isn’t about raising standards at all. Whether under Bush or Obama, it’s about top-down control engineered through government-administered tests and left-wing textbook monopolies.” (See here.)
  • Malkin also wrote that Common Core called for functional magnetic resonance imaging, facial decoding cameras, pressure-sensitive computer mice and a biometric wrap on kids’ wrists to track student data. It does not.

What else does she think?

  • Malkin wrote In Defense of Internment, a book that defended the decision to intern about 110,000 Japanese-Americans during World War Two and proposed a similar program for Arab-Americans. Thirty-nine scholars and historians signed a letter opposing the book for its “blatant violation of professional standards of objectivity and fairness.” (See here.)

 (View the 1st2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the Series.)

Click here to read the introduction letter by Larry Grau.