DFER's 4-Step Plan For Political And Existential Bliss

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

January 3, 2009

Keep the momentum rolling in 2009! 

Just because your blew your diet and exercise resolutions already in the first few days of the new year, doesn’t mean you can’t pick up some quick self-esteem points by crossing off a few easy items from your 2009 task list.

And through the wonders of modern technology, we can make it easy for you to feel good about yourself while helping move the education reform needle at the same time. Just follow our simple, proven four-step plan:

1. Sign the Democrats for Education Reform Statement of Principles. Help us show the Democratic Party there is significant support for change in public education.

2. Make an online contribution to help us support elected officials who “get it.” The first $100 that is contributed by anyone in January will be matched by an anonymous education reformer with great hair. (See Step #4.) But that doesn’t mean you have to stop at $100, if you get our drift…

3. Invite five friends to check out our website, and encourage them to follow DFER’s 4-Steps To Political And Existential Bliss.

4. Lather, rinse, repeat. (We even went to all the trouble of combining these into one, easy step. DFER’s gift to great looking hair everywhere.)

Happy New Year!